Break Down - Kelime Bilgisi
04/02/2014 0:52
Türkçe Anlamı:
bir aracın bozulması, kendini bırakmak, ruhsal çöküntü yaşamak, kesilmek

Örnek Cümleler:
- Why are you late? Did the bus break down?
- What a terrible journey! We broke down twice on the way home.
- I'm nervous about using the washing machine in case it breaks down again.
- Our car broke down on the way to the airport and we misse our flight
- He misses his mother very much, and often breaks down when he talks about her
- She had a nerveous breakdown (noun) after her son was kidnapped
- The talks between the political parties have broken down

Sonraki Konu:
Call Back

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