Simple Present Tense - Kelime Bilgisi
04/02/2014 15:35
1. Cümle Yapısı

Affirmative ( Olumlu )

I get up early.
You go on holiday every year.
He studies hard.
She cleans the house herself.
It stands in the corner.
We keep our promises.
You like animals very much.
They help the people around.

Negative ( Olumsuz )

I don't get up early.
You don't go on holiday every year.
He doesn't study hard.
She doesn't clean the house herself.
It doesn't stand in the corner.
We don't keep our promises.
You don't like animals very much.
They don't help the people around

Interrogative ( Soru )

Do I get up early?
Do you go on holiday every year?
Does he study hard?
Does she clean the house herself?
Does it stand in the corner?
Do we keep our promises?
Do you like animals very much?
Do they help the people around?

Üçüncü tekil şahıs için ( he/she/it) fiil, olumlu cümlede -s takısı alır.

He reads a lot
She buys a newspaper regularly.
The cat drinks only milk in the morning.

Olumsuz cümlede ve sorada, yani "does" ya da "doesn't" bulunan cümlelerde fiil daima yalındır.

He doesn't read a lot.
She doesn't buy a newspaper every day.
Does the cat drink milk in the morning?

"have" fiilinin üçüncü şahıs biçimi "has" dir. Ancak, soruda ve olumsuz cümlede fiilin yalın hali " have " kullanılır.

— Do you have a bath every day?
— Yes, I do. (I have a bath every day.)

— Does your son have a bath every day?
— Yes, he does. ( He has a bath every day.)

— Does your father have breakfast in the morning?
— No, he doesn't. ( He doesn't have breakfast in the morning.)

2. SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE (Geniş Zaman) Nasıl Kullanılır?

a) Bu tense ile. genelde yaptığımız işleri, alışkanlıklarımızı anlatırız ve always, sometimes, never, often vb. sıklık bildiren zarfların yanı sıra, every day, every month, every year, every summer gibi zaman zarflarım sıkça kullanırız.

— What time do you usually get up?
— I usually get up at seven o'clock.
— Does she always get up early?
— Not always. She sometimes gets up very late.
— How often do you go to the cinema?
— I go to the cinema every weekend/once a week/twice a month/three times a year etc.
— How often does your brother write to you?
— He writes to me very often.

b) Frequency Adverbs ( Sıklık bildiren zaman zarfları)

all the time ( hep, her zaman )

almost always/nearly always
almost all the time, nearly all the time (hemen hemen her zaman)

very often
(çok sık)

generally ( genellikle )

frequently ( sık sık )

occasionally, from time to time (bazen,ara sıra)

seldom ( ender, nadiren, seyrek) hardly ever, almost never (hemen hemen hiç)

( hiç,hiç bir zaman, asla )

Yardımcı fiil bulunmayan olumlu cümlelerde bu zarflar asıl fiilden önce, yani özne ile yüklemin arasında yer alır.

She always sings in English.
sometimes feel depressed.
They seldom go to the theatre.

Bu zarflar am, is, are dan sonra gelir.

I sometimes go to work late.
I am sometimes late for work.

Sıklık bildiren zarfların olumsuz cümledeki yeri değişiktir. Always daima olumsuzluk eki not dan sonra gelir.

I don't always get up early.
She doesn't always study very hard.
They aren't always late for class.

frequently, sometimes ve occasionally olumsuzluk ekinden önce gelir.

I sometimes don't want to be with people.
She frequently doesn't want to study.
They sometimes aren't ready on time.
She occasionally isn't polite to the people around.

NOT: Birinci tekil şahıs için bu kural geçerli değildir. Zarf, yardımcı fiil 'am' ile 'not' arasında yer alır.

I'm sometimes not patient enough with children.

usually, generally ve often her iki durumda da kullanılır.

They usually don't go out in the evenings.
They don't usually go out in the evenings.

We often don't turn on the television.
We don't often turn on the television.

They generally aren't awake till 11a.m.
They aren't generally awake till 11a.m.

rarely, seldom, hardly ever, almost never ve never olumsuz cümlede kullanılmaz. Bu zarflar sadece olumlu cümlede kullanılır, ancak olumsuz bir anlam taşır.

I hardly ever go to the theatre. ( Tiyatroya hemen hemen hiç gitmem.)
He almost never goes to work in his own car. (İşe kendi arabasıyla neredeyse hiç gitmez.)
I'm hardly ever nervous before an exam. ( Sınav öncesi neredeyse hiç heyecanlanmam.)
She never comes to her appointments on time. = She is never on time for her appointments. ( Randevularına asla vaktinde gelmez.)

Olumlu anlam taşıyan sıklık zarflarını (usually, generally, often, frequently, sometimes and occasionally) dilbilgisi kurallarına uygun bu kullanımlarının yanı sıra, cümlede vurguyu artırmak için, cümlenin başında da kullanabiliriz. Özellikle sometimes bu şekilde çok sık kullanılır.

Sometimes I get angry easily.
Occasionally I don't need to get up early.
Usually they spend too much money on luxuries.

NOT: always bu şekilde cümle başında yer almaz.

Olumsuz anlam taşıyan sıklık zarflan (rarely , seldom , hardly ever, scarcely ever and never) cümlenin başına geldiği zaman cümle devrik olur.

I never eat fish. - Never do I eat fish.
He rarely smokes. - Rarely does he smoke.
You seldom make mistakes. - Seldom do you make mistakes.
She scarcely ever visits us. - Scarcely ever does she visit us.

ever olumlu veya olumsuz soruda kullanılır ve 'hiç' anlamını verir. Olumsuz cevapta 'hiç' demek için 'do not ever' yerine 'never' kullanılır.

— Do you ever smoke?
— No, I never smoke.

— Don't you ever help your mother?
— Yes, I help her when I have time.

c) Doğa kanunlarını, her zaman geçerliliği olan doğruları ve genellemeleri bu tense ile ifade ederiz.

Diamond is a precious stone.
Water consists of oxygen and hydrogen.
The world revolves round the sun.
Plants need water in order to grow.
Water boils at 100° C.
Wood floats in water but iron sinks.

d) 'What do you do?' sorusu kişinin neyle uğraştığını, işini sorar. Yani 'What is your Job/occupation? sorusu ile aynı anlamdadır.

— What do you do?
— I'm a teacher.

— What does your father do?
— He is an accountant.

'What do you do?' sorusunu bir zaman zarfıyla kullanırsak, 'sözü edilen zamanda ne yaparsın' anlamına gelir.

— What do you do at the weekends?
— I usually meet friends.

— What does your father do in the evenings?
— He reads his newspaper or watches television.

e) Why don't you..............? kalıbı birine öneri getirirken kullanılır.

— I have a headache.
— We have nothing to eat at home.
— Why don't you take a tablet?
— Why don't we go out for dinner?


- "Why don't you get up early in the mornings?
- I can't, because I usually go to bed late."

ifadesinde, "Why don't you ..........?" gerçek bir soru özelliği taşır ve kişi yanıt verilmesini bekler. Ancak:

- "I'm too tired. Why don't you lie down and rest?"

ifadesinde, "Why don't you ..........?" yapı olarak soru olmasına karşın, kendisi bir yanıttır ve öneri getirir.

f) Sinema, tiyatro gibi etkinliklerin başlama ve bitiş saatlerini, ders programlarını ya da uçak, tren, otobüs tarifelerini belirtirken, geniş zamanı gelecek zaman anlamıyla kullanabiliriz.

The buses start at 6 a.m. and stop at 12 p.m. every day. (simple present)
The train to Ankara leaves at 9 a.m. tomorrow and arrives there at 6 p.m. (future)
Our classes usually begin at 9 and finish at 12. (simple present)
My class begins at 9 tomorrow and finishes at 12. (future)

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