Throw Away - Kelime Bilgisi
06/02/2014 21:51
Türkçe Anlamı:

1. Atmak (Çöp kutusuna atmak, çünkü lazım olmayan bir şey),
2. Harcamak

Örnek Cümleler:

- She threw the letter away without reading it.
- Every year the average family throws away two tonnes of waste.
- Our old computer's completely useless now. We'll have to throw it away.
- All the fruit had gone bad and had to be thrown away.
- I threw that old chair away
- She went out with her friends every night instead of studying, and threw away her chance of a place at university.
- Don't throw away your marriage. You need to spend more time with your wife.
- William had a good career and a lovely home, but he threw it all away with his gambling and drinking

Önceki Konu:
Take After
Sonraki Konu:
Turn Down

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