Turn Off - Kelime Bilgisi
09/02/2014 21:16
Türkçe Anlamları ve Örnek Cümleler:

1. Elektronik aleti kapamak,

- I've turned off all the lights and locked the door.
- Can you turn the lights off? The switch is by the door.
- Somebody forgot to turn off the tap in the bathroom.
- You've been wating TV all day! Turn it off now.
- The TV was on, but the sound had been turned off.

2. Dönüş yapmak,

- If we turn off at the next junction I'm sure we'll get there sooner.

3. İlgisinden vazgeçmek.

- Sarah thought she'd found the perfect man, but his enormous hairy feet turned her off.

Önceki Konu:
Tell Off
Sonraki Konu:
Have On

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